Library charges and loans

List of charges for borrowing, reserving, overdue and lost items and other services.

Library charges and fees

Item or service


Loan period

All books


3 week loan

Language courses


3 week loan

Talking books


3 week loan

Music scores and play sets

Up to 15 items - £16
16 – 40 items - £32

Up to a 12 week loan

Reservations (including online)

Free -  For items in stock
£4.50 - For items not in our stock. This fee will be charged to your library account even if we cannot supply the item for whatever reason


Reader printer copies

40p per A4 sheet, 65p per A3 sheet (or minimum £2 for items sent electronically or by post)



10p per sheet (or minimum £2 for items sent electronically or by post)


Black and white computer print-outs

10p per sheet (or minimum £2 for items sent electronically or by post)


Colour computer print-outs

40p per sheet (or minimum £2 for items sent electronically or by post)


Plastic wallets/envelopes




A3:  £2 / A4: £1.25


Community history searches

First half hour £17.50, per hour thereafter £30


Replacement ticket

Adult £2.50 Child £1


Overdue items

There is no charge for any item returned after the date specified but it is important that you return items on time or renew them if you need them for longer than the 3 week loan period. Items can be renewed up to a maximum of 8 times if not required by another borrower.

Lost and damaged items

The full replacement cost at the recommended retail price will be charged for all lost/damaged items. This is not refundable.


Some borrowers do not have to pay reservation fees or charges but proof of entitlement must be shown. See whether you qualify below:



Lost ticket

Reservation fee, for items not in our stock

Under 16 years



Long term sick and disabled



Housebound reader service users



With learning disabilities, dyslexia, registered blind and partially sighted



Example of documents required to change borrower's status

For borrowers long term sick

Official notification of their benefit award to prove their entitlement to incapacity benefit at the higher rate.

Borrowers who are disabled, registered blind or registered partially sighted, have dyslexia or learning disabilities

Registration document, disabled persons railcard, official letter from a hospital/doctor, social services department payment order book or official notification of award of any of the following benefits:

  • Severe disablement allowance
  • Income support disability premium
  • Disability working allowance
  • Disabled living allowance
  • Industrial injuries disablement benefit

E mail notifications are free to receive. Please get in touch if you would like to set up this service. We will send you an e mail a few days before an item is due for return as well as the standard overdue and reservation notices.

Printing charges

You will only be exempt from paying for PC print outs if you are booked onto a library run learning course.