Libraries in Blackburn with Darwen Listing of all our libraries, where they are, opening times and services they offer. Join the library Join the library, renew your books, view the catalogue, reserve books, borrow eBooks and eMagazines using our online Library system, My Library. Renew a book As well as visiting the library there are a couple of other ways that you can renew books that you have borrowed. Library charges and loans List of charges for borrowing, reserving, overdue and lost items and other services. Library news The latest library newsletter. Library services guide Our libraries offer a wide range of services as well as loaning books. Library volunteers We welcome volunteers to share their talents and get involved in developing their local library service. Children's libraries The public library offers literacy support to children aged 0 to 15 years. Contact this service Send us a message 01254 661221
Libraries in Blackburn with Darwen Listing of all our libraries, where they are, opening times and services they offer.
Join the library Join the library, renew your books, view the catalogue, reserve books, borrow eBooks and eMagazines using our online Library system, My Library.
Renew a book As well as visiting the library there are a couple of other ways that you can renew books that you have borrowed.
Library charges and loans List of charges for borrowing, reserving, overdue and lost items and other services.
Library volunteers We welcome volunteers to share their talents and get involved in developing their local library service.